Welcome to The Armoury. We’re not talking a sterile
faceless gym, The Armoury is a good old-fashioned boxing club, which means great workouts, progressive learning and hard earned reward in a friendly motivating environment. No posing. No nonsense. An escape from the ordinary.
Walk in… to a lobby replete with leather studded chairs, black and white floor tiles, a boxing library, trophies and chandeliers. Class. Inside – white faced walls, retro pugilistic artwork, bags swinging from black steel trusses and a large ring set centre-stage. ‘Boom, boom,’ gloves pound on pads, skipping ropes slap the floor and the hi-energy hums along with the Armoury SoundSystem. You smile and get stuck in. Walk out… with a spring in your step: fit for the challenges of life.
Boxing is for real, you don’t play it. It connects to the primal and is utterly exhilarating. Many of our members
however – guys ‘n gals, the young and the not so young – don’t do the full contact thing but love the one-on-one
coaching or uplifting Boxing Fitness Classes that buzz with energy and purpose.
It’s like training as a pro but without the blows – you get skilled and fit and enjoy the confidence that springs
from physical well-being (that ‘ready for anything’ attitude). You look and feel and its great stress relief
everyday stress causes the body to produce ‘fight or flight’ chemicals such as adrenaline and cortisol which
prepare it for an emergency: punching the pads is a safe and effective way to use up these chemicals, better than
retail therapy, kicking the dog or telling the boss what for!) So whatever your training objectives – to torch the
fat, get into shape, cross-train or prepare for Fight Night – you’ll have a great time and get the best workout.
In The Armoury you won’t find macho posturing but rather decent blokes and girls enjoying an easy comradeship born of shared experience. In the ring everyone is equal. It offers an amazing journey of discovery where you’ll get to learn about your body but more, about yourself. As Anja, a journalist, said, “thank you for setting me out on such a beautiful adventure,” and Chris, a banker, “you guys have touched and positively changed many peoples lives.” And we love this quote from Thomas Okes, editor at Men’s Health.
“The Armoury is well named. A workshop, not a gym; a factory floor, not a vanity room. Welcome to the
Gun Shop is more than a slogan; it’s a moral code. This is where things are made: bodies, yes, but also
hearts, minds, whole lives.”
The Armoury: it’s where extraordinary is made.