Magazine interview with Steve Burke
July 2017
Lose It
6 Time World Champ Cassius Baloyi fighting at The Armoury
July 2017
Cape Argus
The Times
November 2015
Sports Federation WP
November 2015
Steve Burke Interview
Men’s Health
July 2015
Swing Spar and Sweat your way to a Six Pack
Men’s Health
May 2015
Thank God For The Armoury
Men’s Health
April 2015
All of Lifes The Fight
Women’s Health
September 2016
How To Shape Up Fast With Boxing
Wellness Warehouse Magazine
March 2014
Fighting Fit
SHAPE Magazine
Cover Shoot Video
Minki van der Westhuizen for SHAPE at The Armoury
Private Edition Magazine
September 2011
Rolling With The Punches. Olivia Jackson: from model to champion trainer.
Read the article.
Private Edition Magazine
September 2011
Getting in to the ring to box is character-building, asks for commitment and demands fierce discipline. But once you start the journey, there’s a surprise in store. It’s not only your body that it shapes.
Read the article.
You Magazine
September 2011
“Office Worker by day, boxer by night – white-collar fighting is now a popular way for many South Africans to unwind.”
Read the article.
September 2011
“Sans verruil die mense hul kantoor vir die bokskryt – om die spanning weg te moker.”
Read the article.
Peoples’ Post, Atlantic Seaboard
August 2011
Read about Olivia Jackson, rated number one female fighter in the world and trainer and manager at the Armoury.
Read the article.
Lentheric advertisement for ‘Masculin’ in Men’s Health
May 2011
At the Armoury ‘White Collar’ boxing is defined by individuals who are not afraid ‘to let it out’ and train hard.
Read the article.
Mango In-flight Magazine ‘Juice’
May 2011
There are easier ways to sweat, but Keith Bain finds that Woodstock’s The Armoury Boxing Club takes physical and mental fitness to a different level.
Read the article.
Mail & Guardian
December 2010
“Nechama Brodie, one of the brave ladies who fought in an Armoury Boxing Club Fight Night in 2010, describes why a boxing ring is a girls BFF and why women’s boxing is gaining traction.”
Read the article.
The Armoury Boxing Club hosted its 5th “White Collar” Fight Night on Friday night. I went along partly to cover the event for ILW and partly out of morbid fascination, not really knowing what to expect… Read more
I’m not traditionally big on sports voyeurism. My motto has long been that if you’re watching rather than participating, you’re simply sitting on your backside, getting fat. When I travel abroad, however, I make efforts to check out sports that aren’t typically… Read more
White Collar Boxing – Amped to go to the next fight night on Nov 26th… Read more